Heading home
Emma was away early, as she was heading up to Elgin with her work and staying overnight. Gavin was still poorly, so we stayed on and took Casper to nursery. A friend took Arthur to school and collected him from the after school club later.
We had a free day in Glasgow, so we hopped on a bus to town, leaving Gavin to have peace to sleep. Dennis wants to get a new laptop, so we browsed those in JLs, but we need to do more research as we're out of touch now. Had lunch then back to the flat and did a blitz of their living room. Dennis did the vacuuming while I tidied the toys. We collected Casper from nursery and Arthur was dropped off at teatime. We decided to give baths a miss tonight, and left them tucked up watching TV with Gavin. Scotland v Ireland game at hampden, so traffic was horrendous and we were glad we were going in the opposite direction!
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