Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

Crazy weather

Another very odd day, weather-wise! I was surprised last night, when driving home from the Photo Club after a dull and damp day, to see that the temperature gauge on the car was registering 3 degrees!

When I checked this morning it said 0.1 degrees! Very odd - almost a frost!

it wasn't long until it was raining, then battering against the windows in the wind. Gutters overflowing, the works. I spent some time on Family History, more on writing my next month's Plant Blog, various computer things. 

After lunch the rain stopped so I decided to go out for a walk for about half an hour. When I got back, ready to sit down with a cuppa and watch an episode of 'Midsomer Murders', what happens? The sky turns blue, the sun comes out, and all is right with the world. I had to watch TV while the sun shone!

After all that rubbish about the weather, my Blip today is of my Grevillea rosmarinifolia, flowering happily after having been outside in a pot all winter. Whaddya know!

Random Quote of the Day: 'Life would be infinitely happier if we could only be born at the age of eighty and gradually approach eighteen.' - Mark Twain.

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