A matter of principle.

Last Sunday I mentioned that I was sorting out repairs to the granddaughter’s not-boyfriend’s watch strap.  Well today the daughter dropped over with lunch, and as the junior kids had not come back with what to do daughter half decided to get a (cheap) replacement strap.  One of the choices was for me to drill out the link so that the fixed pin could be put back in – a ‘nothing to lose’ option.  So we agreed I would give it a try while Pam looked at replacements.  Well you’ve got to have a go, haven’t you . . .
Drills would not touch the stainless steel so I wound up grinding the edge down to find the lug, and after some intensive pin straightening I got it back together.
The only remaining problem being ‘sticking’ the pin in place.  Mrs W’s resin would not adhere to the metal, and my Araldite had done a self-destruct.  In the end I’ve settled for a thin layer of superglue and hope enough has run into the end to hold it in place.  Only time will tell.
As I said the daughter came over for lunch, which made a very pleasant change to our routine.  We won’t want dinner now.

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