My Daily Life in Photo's.

By Mothermudd


Time to get shopping for us & Joan; I couldn't believe how busy Tesco was; I couldn't get to one of my favourite parking spaces, so I ended up in the middle of the Car Park having a job to manoeuvre the trolley.
Shopping done & put away before the Plumber arrived again to fix the lever on Joans cistern, a nut had come lose that holds the lever. All fixed.
I then came as the rain started again.
After lunch it was dry so I checked in the Greenhouse where I discovered something, maybe a mouse had dug up my Courgette seeds, but they were still there so I re planted them & sprinkled Curry Powder over the top to hopefully stop them being dug up. 
Not sure if it'll work but worth a try.
As I came up the garden I noticed the Currant bush was in flower as is this pretty little Mauve flower of this Rosemary.

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