And so the holidays begin!

In a spin with a
stick! Giddy dog knows it’s time
for some days away :-)

Ben finished school today for Easter so we braved the M6 and headed north! Photo is me trying to wear Leo out before we set off, I was worried we might be stuck in traffic for hours but it was only about 25 mins longer than usual. Ben had a good day at school, he sat and watched their school talent contest from start to finish.. it’s his 6th year at this school and he’s never even entered the hall for the talent show before, so I think he did really well :-) He did well with the travel too, hopefully he’ll sleep!
In other news we had a big social work meeting today where we met the director of the company who is supposed to be providing Ben’s respite care, it went really well and he made us feel much more confident that they can speed up the training and get Ben’s provision in place. We’ve been waiting such a long time, so it would be amazing if it’s true.. I’ll keep you posted!

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