Getting ready to face the music

Having gone to bed last night feeling thoroughly crap, I awoke feeling just as bad, but at least had the knowledge I was going to see the doctor tomorrow. I think I have already mentioned that my doctor has handed in his notice: I was thrilled when I got him; he was young and dynamic, and he set out to put me on a path to good health by prescribing colonoscopies, bloodwork, MRIs. I can’t help but feel partly responsible for his leaving.
Anyway, I for once managed to put the day to some good use. I did a lot of the chores I had hanging over me – like getting back on the UK electoral register, for example – and also started to prepare a list of all the various ailments to which I am host. God, it made for sobering reading. I hadn’t even bothered to put my current lurgey down on it. Anyway, time will tell!
Late morning, had a call from Ottawacker Jr’s doctor – four days after calling her – asking if we wanted an appointment. How I laughed. At least the cats know how to deal with life.

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