
A few months ago Chris and I went up to Liverpool and took Mum out shopping. She picked up a box of seeds to scatter on a bare patch of soil next to the plant we call `Dads` Passion Flower`...sadly she never lived to see them grow, but this particular flower has beautiful blue blooms which the bees love.

We where up there again today to start packing things away prior to the house being sold. It was a very strange feeling being in the house with out Mum being there, bustling about making tea and stuff for us to eat. Even more strange going through cupboards and drawers picking items up that she once had worn, handled, used before putting them back.
Knick knacks which we had bought her as kids and later as adults all being carefully wrapped and boxed up to go to my brothers house where we shall later go through them.
Heartbreakingly, she had kept every card ever given to her by my Dad, my sister, brother, myself and her grandchildren...
The house will eventually be sold and that will be the end of an era. My brother was born in that house 57 years ago and my sister and I grew up there from a very young age.
I will continue to go up to Liverpool to visit my Aunt but you know what, It won`t be the same without going to see Mum as well........

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