
By bekaboo


Day 181

After the Public Enemy with a bit of cheesy dancing to Chic parteee last night, it was s'nice to have a slow start with the mister before a mini ride out in his new Defender to the garden centre. His truck is just as much bouncy fun as the Beast, bouncier in fact!

The afternoon was spent planting rocket, spring onion and spinach, oh and a strawb plant with the boy, before continuing clear out the remains of the jungle while Roo played Star Wars. I even had a random visit from a 3ft Darth Vader and 'I'm only in my pants' boy *again*

Day was nicely finished with homemade by Roo pizza (bloody good it was too) and a 99 from the ice cream van.

In other news I wanna be a Deap Vally chick even more now I've just watched their Glasto set.


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