Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

3378. March Knitting Challenge

I have been working my way through all of my odd balls of wool, making 6” squares to be made into blankets for Ukraine.  Once I have completed a whole load of them I post them to a lady in England who organises for them to be made in blankets and then they are shipped to Ukraine.
I decided to do something purposeful for the Versus Arthritis March Knitting Challenge and have raised a little bit of money for the charity.  
I am also doing Blood Cancer UK Walk of Light tomorrow via video link with my friend from Inverurie.  Her husband has blood cancer and this is now the third year that we’ve done the walk together.  We choose our own route and then walk for about an hour on a video call, it’s a nice thing to do and we both enjoy the walk and the chat.  There isn’t an official Walk of Light in Perth so we agreed with the charity that we would just do our own thing.  It’s supposed to be in the evening but neither of us fancied walking anywhere alone in the dark on a Saturday night!  We are walking in the afternoon so it will still be light.

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