Flame Flower

I made that up...I have no idea what this flower is called, but it's a foot outside our bedroom door which is as far as I want to venture in temperatures approaching 100! I also saw a blue tailed skink, probably a baby because it was tiny but very noticeable with its neon blue tail. I'd love to see a full sized one.

I actually like the heat. We have adopted the Mediterranean lifestyle--coffee under the arbor, do nothing from 11 to 4 and dinner al fresco. Any errands are done in an air conditioned car. I did venture out for a pair of shorts at the local shopping center ,where they had a summer concert in full swing on the terrace..tables under umbrellas, lots of lemonade and water and a live jazz band. And I got a sundress instead of shorts.

Never a dull moment on the recap of the Tour de France last evening. Stunning shots of red roofed villages perched on hanging over cliffs, and a chaotic ending. A bus got wedged under the finish portico with the peloton charging toward the finish. The finish line was moved up 3km, then the bus was moved as the peloton was entering the outskirts of town, the driver holding his head in his hands. The finish line didn't change, and everybody was given the same time, but I don't know how much consolation that was for Tony Martin, who had to be taken to hospital in an ambulance. Or the 15 others who received medical treatment.

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