
I walked Django first thing, and then went into Edinburgh to meet daughter K at Mum's flat at 11:20. We put in a long shift of clearing the drawers in the living room and bedroom, gradually finding ever more precious souvenirs that Mum had kept of her life. We found her school reports, three letters that Dad had written to her when he was working in the USA in 1974, letters that I’d written to my parents from Oxford, her (purely factual) diaries from 1964 – when I was born – and 1965. There were some treasures from Dad’s life, too, and some even older correspondence from her ancestors. I’ve not looked through it all, and won’t read the letters Dad wrote to her, but one letter is from 1893! Of course, most of what we found was separated in to recycling, bin and “charity shop”.  As well as getting a lot of clearing done, it was good to spend a few hours with K, including lunch bought from Sainsbury’s – we also needed more bin bags – that we ate sitting outside on the terrace of the flats. A took us home, where I was tired, so had a nap. 

I was later saddened to learn that Robbie Horn was been sacked by Bonnyrigg Rose after yesterday's defeat at Dumbarton.  Although their record recently has been terrible, seeing them drop from the mid-table pack into the relegation battle, he's brought the club so far in five years. I can only think that he’s run out of energy. 

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