Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Manga Rosa, Brazilian Restaurant

For probably the first time in years we enjoyed a glass of cava on Rambla Cataluña, on the terrace of Mauri, an iconic patisserie.

After a wander round the Eixample streets, meandering towards Calle Floridablanca, we came across a little bar restaurant called Manga Rosa, ideally just opposite Cinema Floridablanca. And when we looked closer, saw it was Brazilian with an all-day kitchen. We heard Portuguese spoken when we opened the door - a good sign. We shared a feijoada, the best we’ve had in Barcelona yet. Lovely friendly service too. We’ll be back.

Then to see The Zone of Interest in the cinema opposite. Not at all a feel-good film for Easter weekend and, in fact, I actually closed my eyes for the last 20 mins. This is no reflection on the film whatsoever, but rather my overestimation of what I was willing to cope with today.

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