Yesterday, a less windy day today.
Last night we suddenly realised there was dollops of blood on the floor - another dislodged nail from Dog’s paw at the pad. James cleaned the carpet, and I cleaned and then wrapped the paw in tissue and put one of the sockets that I bought last time over it. Managed to get ana appointment in Ashford, and £132 later, the claw is removed and he is bandaged up. When I take it off on Monday he will have to wear the dreaded collar for a week. I have ordered another one from Amazon, that is padded in the hope that it will be more comfortable for him.
Afterwards, we walked both dogs to the seafront, James always likes to visit his dad’s bench, and then went out for some lunch. After they had gone, I painted the table and one bench, but my back was aching, so I’ve left the other bench and both chairs until tomorrow.
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