michigan man

By outdoorguy

26th Street

I knew there was an osprey's nest at the end of 26th St. for the last several years, and I don't know why that I haven't been there this season. But, we were taking Merrick around to a few garage sales, and were in the area. It is about the lowest nest you will see, and quite often they will eat their fish lunch on the adjacent telephone pole.

I was really zoomed in on this guy/girl when he /she raised the wings. I wish I would have got the whole body, but I like it just the same.

Years ago we were at a craft/rummage sale at this same place, and I was shooting this same bird. A guy was set up with 25-30 antique chairs, and one of the birds had already pooped on them. He saw me taking pictures. "Why would you want pictures of those  !@#$%^& birds. They !@#$ all over my %^&*(% !@# chairs." Sure enough, it wasn't 10 minutes, and the other osprey pooped, and it landed on an upholstered chair. The guy was SO mad, and it was cruel of me...but I had to hold back the laughter.

In the extras is my 2nd spoonbill of the season. He/she was resting and wouldn't move for me, but...such colors.

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