Ducks...Postmen & Flood Warnings

It's a grey old world today.
We hope it doesn't get any worse..
..our beach was just coming good from the last onslaught.

We all got soaked ...and this was the only useable image of the many that I took...the water over the lens just made everything else unreadable.
I Love my Go Pro....I was not going to risk my camera in this weather.

Nice to get out though...cabin fever is setting in...especially with the little guy.

A friend posted this today...Rumi (not the dog) is having a rest.

There comes a time when the pain of continuing exceeds the pain of stopping.
At that moment, a threshold is crossed. What seemed unthinkable becomes thinkable.
Slowly, the realization emerges that the choice to continue what you have been doing is the choice to live in discomfort, and the choice to stop what you have been doing is the choice to breathe deeply and freely again.
Once that realization has emerged, you can either honor it or ignore it, but you cannot forget it.
What has become known can not become unknown again.
- Gary Zukav


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