Finding My Bearings

By JustJuli

Almost there!

Three lessons to go then I’ve officially survived a second term!

It's certainly been a strange week. I had an email on Sunday evening to say I'd be having my official appraisal on the following Tuesday, which led to two sleepless nights. The previous week I found out I was supposed to have been filling in an online thing with evidence of how I've met specific targets throughout the year so had to spend several hours sorting out that - not fun! At least I'll know now for the future.

Appraisals are usually quite brutal but mine, very unexpectedly, was pretty much glowing - nothing negative at all but lots of praise and nice comments. I got a brilliant result following my form tutor observation, too. I'm 'not being put forward for pay progression', though, for two reasons. Firstly, back in September I hadn't ticked a box to say I'd read a safeguarding paper (I had read it, didn't see a box), so I've been deemed as 'not having fulfilled my statutory requirement in respect of safeguarding children in education'. Secondly, I can't 'progress' until I've been signed off the support plan I was first told about over two months ago but apart from being given two targets, none of the observations needed have been done yet so there's nothing I can do about that. Anyway, I was very pleased with the feedback generally and had a good night's sleep for a change!

Things have actually been going very well (unless I'm completed deluded!). I love the people I work with, love the school, I'm definitely still coming back in September, box is ticked, I’m ready for any observations and, bleh, I didn't want a pay rise anyway.

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