In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

On our way home

The flight, ah yes what can I say about the flight?

Before we left the hotel, we said our goodbyes to some of our favourite members of the staff, well the two waiters and the shop owner, and waited for the bus that I thought was picking us up at 2200, but June read the notice and discovered that I was
wrong, funny that. It was coming between 2200 and 2300. So we had to sit and listen to the gawd awful pianist for what seemed an eternity.
There a good few new guests in situ, so the pianist got rather loud bursts of applause. Well to start with anyway.
The journey to the airport was stress free and quick, as was getting checked in and passport control.
We never usually make purchases in the duty free area of airports, but today we did. Our neighbour, Val, had been looking after our garden whilst we were away, and since we couldn't see anything of any merit whilst out in the medinas, it was mainly all tourist tack, we purchased a very nice box of three types of Tunisian wine for her. Then I spotted a very tempting large bottle of extra aged Olmeca Tequila. This was far too good to resist. I haven't had any Tequila since my birthday last year. That is far too long ago.
Aren't airports the strangest of places: no matter what time of day or night, if the bar is open there are people drinking. Me, despite that last paragraph being about alcohol, I am not a heavy drinker at all. Once on board it was interesting to note that the lime green leisure suited female was once again on board. On that note, why is it that British people, and I do not presume that we are alone in this, but it is what I see, that British, when returning from a holiday in a hot country, think that the beach wear and the like that has been fine whilst on vacation will be still okay when disembarking the plane in the middle of the night and when the temperature is a heck of a lot colder, windier, and generally not so pleasant. I was cold enough on the plane.
And as for onesies, NEVER!
Thankfully we only had a few hundred yards to walk to the airport hotel we were booked into.
Good time was indeed made, and we arrived at Glasgow airport slightly ahead of schedule, where after a short walk, we checked into our hotel. On receiving our room key, we rode the, elevator to the third floor and swiped the electronic card that opens the door.
Except, except the room was already occupied, and a sleepy, slightly panicky voiced hailed, " No, no." Thankfully they had their safety latch on. After all it was only 7 am.
So, after correcting this error, we broke our fast and went straight to bed for a much needed sleep.after just four hours, four wonderful dreaming hours, we were sharply awoken by some sort of alarm. Checking mobiles, phones, everything, we had no option but to rouse ourselves and shower and get ready for the day. This is fine though, as it has now got us back into, more or less, our usual getting up time.
We were going to be staying 2 nights, but after the past few days, we just need to get home to our own surroundings. So that is the two of us on our way home.
Thank you for staying with my journal during this wonderful experience, normal service shall be resumed tomorrow.

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