
By Lsquare

A Promise Kept.....

A pest control salesman knocked on my front door recently.  He said he didn't want to alarm me, but asked if I was aware that wasps were building a nest above my front door.  He was surprised by my calm assurance that, not only was I aware of the nest, but that I rather liked having them there for awhile as a photo op, since I like photographing anything that interests me.  After doing a little research, I have discovered that these are most likely European Paper Wasps and quite docile.  Not at all like the Yellow Jackets we also have around here which are aggressive and more easily provoked.  My son, however, does not like to have the wasps so close to the door, so I promised him that I would use them for Tiny Tuesday and then we would dispatch them, which is what my husband and I did.  So, their 15 minutes of fame on Blip is the end of them!  Thanks to JDO for hosting.  I also forgot to put the extra that I liked, which I have now done.......

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