Forever..... Young

Jay-Z - Forever Young

Looking into your eyes, there is only forever...

People come in and out of our lives at a moments notice and although they may never be seen again, there is only so much time and so much energy that you choose to have that I don't want to waste it again. The absolution of knowing that things come to an end is truth, but so is the need to love, and that small place we store the evil and frustration has its way of coming back; no matter how strong we are to hold the poison.

If now is the time of true focus, I know that I will absolutely CHOOSE to love, acknowledge the evil and then kill it (with all due respect). Those insecurities will never die and come back in all different forms but the stronger we become, the better equipped we are for the future.

There are boundaries and boxes to which we put our friends, but the closest ones only become closer with conflict and problems and the eventual conquering of "evil". When a relationship reaches a plateau, expanding its worth comes in forms that are less likely to be noticed. The hardship helps heighten the threshold to take it to a higher level.

I no longer have time to waste and when the opportunity arises, please know that you are whom I choose to spend time with to perpetuate self-worth. We all have our times and criteria of what makes us better, but at the very least, we are in sync naturally. To my friends / family / loved ones, I will never forget and never stop loving. The tiniest nook inside of me somewhere still hopes.

To my true friends...

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