
By Berger

The Hungarian Lady

Just an ordinary wee sculpture, for my blip placed in our window. It means a bit more to me and Mrs B than just a wee figure. We bought it in Budapest 40 years ago. I was travelling often in the East European countries at that time. One time when Mrs B came with me to Budapest, my parents were babysitters at home to our oldest son Anders. He was 6 -7 years old that time. As a gift to my parents for the babysitting, we bougth this sculpture in Budapest. The shop where we bought it, was not allowed to accept any West European currency. I couldn`t find any bank to change money so I walked in the street pretending I was looking for something. Didn`t take long before an illegal money changer approached me. I got the local currence and he got some West German marks to a very good rate. Luckily no police saw us. However, I got this wee Hungarian Lady that we gave to, and have since inherited from my parents. Cannot look at it without remembering its history.     

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