My Daily Life in Photo's.

By Mothermudd


Today is my daughter's Boyfriends 30th Birthday, so she made this banner & I bought him the other one.
Jordan was happy with his cards & gifts from his Mum, Nan, Melissah & me. I got him a voucher for Wall Climbing & chocolates.
I visited Joan & she was asking about the Plumber because the leak is getting worse in her cistern; when I got home I phoned him & he said he'd pop round in ten minutes which he did.
He arrived assessed the problem & fixed it promptly.
As he left Joan asked if she owed anything & yes it was £20 which I thought reasonable, but she said she'd give him £5 as the leak happened when he'd been fixing it previously, but it had nothing to do with the previous problem, but it must have been happening for a while. 
(which it had, she's forgotten; but she's always right)
Anyway he said £5 was an insult which I agree & he gave it back, but she insisted he have it then he gave it back & so on until he said he'd forget it & he wouldn't come back after she threw the £5 at him.
I apologised; he said it wasn't my fault & he hopes to see me anytime I need a Plumber & he left.
I was still shaken by Joan's response, it really upset me to see her react that way. £20 was a fair price.
And...... Breathe......
Melissah, Jordan & I went for a walk to St. Wilfred's Charity shop where I bought a vase in the shape & colour of a Lemon; then Lunch when we got back.

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