Euan Me and Rhona too!

By noifa

Scrummy corn

Tea was kievs. Tomato and mozzarella for the kids and garlic for us. The chicken went down really well but the roasted parsnip and courgette were poked and prodded, tasted then spat out - by both children! The corn on the cob went down really well though and the peas out the pod as a starter was enjoyed by all.

Swimming today was not great. Rhona was not her usual self although she did all the underwater swims with no complaints. She was like a limpit though, clinging on to me unless a toy was involved. She loves the ball and catches it and throws it away to catch again.

While we were swimming, Daddy took Euan to the outdoor crazy golf. No holes in one today, but he did well, playing every hole, refusing to miss one to pass the slow foursome infront of him! That meant they were later back to pick Rhona and me up so I enjoyed sitting outside in the sunshine while Rhona napped in the ring sling. Last lesson before summer, hopefully she will be more enthusiastic again when we go back in 6 weeks time!

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