
By Ellaphant


This cherry tree in a neighbour's front yard puts on a show every year, much like any other cherry tree, but this is the only one within walking distance of our place.  Of course, at least once, I have to pass by to admire it.  I chose a dry moment, which is not the same as a sunny moment as it is still wet and cold, and otherwise I would have gone hunting.

Email from the Viking outlining the next steps.  It appears that the lawyers of the Opposition are deliberately causing a slight delay because they've had to meet with the Viking and every extra meeting means they get paid just a bit more.  In short, nothing to do with any shortcomings on our part.  I have also had some phone calls with Mimi, who has apparently had some 'old fake news' from one of my aunts, who purportedly has some old and no longer relevant info on the circumstances of my earliest years.  After siding with the Opposition, she's now pretending she's on our side.  Funny what people will do to try to make a fast buck.  So much info and millions of lies, and literally everyone knows what there is to know... except me.  And none of it matters any more.  Surely, she doesn't think I'll phone her so she can tell me herself?  Nothing will change lies into truth.

What I did, though, was watch Tom and Sybbie, and Sybil and Lucy, on YouTube.  And then Robert and Cora in France discovering that his real father was French.  It's hard to describe what's going on in my head at this time, but AW and I agree with each other that living in the here and now is the best way to preserve the meaning of life.  And no, I haven't yet watched the film, as I didn't follow the series, but it's on the Blu-Ray list.

Wednesday evening bridge at Sweed's and Benna's after dinner, because AW can't make it this Friday due to a bridge administrative meeting, meaning another quiet evening.  Thankful for someone else's creative film work.

Glad you all had a laugh yesterday as well!

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