Andy Tang's Photo Journal

By AndyTang

Get your game on...

My eldest son had a Skylanders (computer console game) play date, but it wouldn't work on the Wii. My wife thought it was the wireless connection, so after my help from the car on the drive home didn't resolve it, I had a job when I got home.

I tweaked the wireless settings on my access point so the Wii could connect, but it didn't resolve the issue. After examining the disc, it looked like someone had been sliding it face down in gravel. I bought a scratch remover (£7.99 from Maplins, in case you're interested) last year to rescue a scratched CD, so using that on the Wii disc, we have a working game again.

So it means a late Skylanders session, but you can also see my wife searching YouTube for the answer to help our son...! The power of the Internet!

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