Over Yonder

By Stoffel

Plays By Sense of Smell

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

We have not caught up with the Kainga Ora gang for some time. Well, I say that. Shenée is well and truly over her Kainga Ora years and Jefe works for a subcontractor. 

But you get the idea. 

Today it was the weekend after Shenée's birthday so we went to dog-friendly diner "Salty's" for a smashburger and fries and to play some pinball.

Is there any SKILL to pinball? Or is it just one of those games where you can KID yourself that your timing is amazing but actually you are just banging balls about?

I actually did pretty well on the Godzilla machine, but then I had a go on the Elvira Mistress of the Night machine and fared very badly. 

Shenée, as you can see, struggled on Godzilla. 

But still, it made for a fun afternoon and we all got to make a fuss of Shenée and Caro got to tell some work stories. 

And you can imagine what Manda made of THAT...


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