NZ Autumn 2025

By AndrewNZ

A Capital day.

After the concert the night before we had a day to spend in "Welly" before flying home we thought we'd go for a train ride up the coast but all the trains were cancelled and replaced by busses due I assume to engineering?

The collage is: -
The main - A bronze statue of John Plummer (1812 - 1905) who arrived in Wellington in 1841 and besides being a successful businessman he is said to be "The Father of Wellington" with him is his dog, Fritz.
Top left - The New Zealand Pigeon also called Kereru a colourful bird taken up by Wellies observatory.
Middle Left - Having visited Bruges every year for around fourteen years a beer in Wellingtons Belgian Beer Bar is a must and they keep a good cellar the Leffe Brun was excellent.
Botton left - While waiting for our flight and USAF C17 Globemaster III landed from Honolulu and spent an hour or so at the RNZAF hanger before leaving.

Another fine day in the capital but always good to be home.

Best in large.

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