While on my runs

By waipushrink

Choosing where to land

Daylight saving ended today, as clocks were put back one hour at 03:00. I woke in time to see the sky over Kawau Bay. .Mid-morning we went with grand-daughter to the Ti Point Reptile Park. Then a late lunch before a quick visit to the Warkworth supermarket.

After that I went down the many steps to the South End of Snells. As I was walking close to the water a flock of terns flew past and landed on rocks at the point. I was able to get as close as about 15 m away without them taking flight

As I came back to the steps, I saw a mix of birds: many ducks (mostly mallards); two masked lapwings (left quickly with much noise and fuss); a number of Poaka (pied stilts, who took up the warning cries); And a bit away from the rest were eight Tuturiwhatu (dotterels)

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