Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH

Little Weed

I backed out of a walk this morning as my knee still isn't quite back to normal.  Instead, I had a wander into town which was fine, but I was hobbling a bit by the time I got home.  Today was the first Sunday market of the year so I had a look around.  Nothing to tempt me but I felt rather sorry for a couple running a stall selling chocolate brownies.  They were next to another stall selling cream cakes that was doing a roaring trade but the brownie lady quite literally didn't seem to be able to give them away; she was standing forlornly with a plate of samples and nobody was taking any notice!

Home, and we started to attack the garden.  Little and often is the plan, so we weeded, fed and mulched one border which looks a lot better.  I spotted this dandelion in a trough of succulents so pulled it up and was quite pleased at the way it came up whole.  Blip sorted!

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