The Sun Rising..
.. in all its glory for its Big Day!...A TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE SUN..and we were to be in its Path of Totality..Wheee...
But alas, sunrise was the only time I saw the sun all day! Well..until now, a couple of hours AFTER the big moment! Yes, the sun is shining brightly now as I write, but it did not find its way out from under that blanket of cloud at all during the eclipse...not at all...What a disappointment...
It was all a matter of "location, location, location"...and unfortunately that wasn't here. Those further west were the lucky ones it seems...My daughter, SIL and their friends were watching southwest from here and hit the jackpot! I anxiously await their report! The only word I have from her so far is "exciting"...
But I did watch it on tv..and I did enjoy watching a great all was not lost!
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