Meeting Sefferdog

We had all looked forward to meeting at the zoo...nothing could stop us from having a wonderful time, but Mother Nature sure tried hard! We had some cloudy weather while we snapped animals on the "savannah", but when we headed to the next exhibit, it started to rain.

It'll stop any minute because we had planned this for so has to stop, right?!

We soldiered on, and so did the rain. The aviary was nice and dry, but when we came out, it was pouring.

You should have seen us dressed in garbage bags to protect the cameras...then we got some umbrellas, but the rain was insistent!

We still had a delightful way we could miss with Sefferdog and his wife...two of the loveliest people you would ever meet!! They decided it was time to head out, but Tim and I are two of the most stubborn people in the world.
We stayed.

And got soaked.
But our cameras stayed dry!!

This blip is in honor of Wade...he didn't get to see the reptile exhibit, and it was beautiful. So here is a lovely blue lady, and Sefferdog is pictured below her, with my partner in crime, Tim inset above.

Thank you, new friends and old, for a day I will never forget.

Sorry, Wade...I do have proof of the paisley umbrella!!

My toes look like prunes from being wet all day.

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