
By Ellaphant

The 'Vlietmolen', Hoogmade

'Vlietmolen' = as you read it
'Hoogmade' = 'Howgh-ma-duh' ('howgh' is like Santa's 'Ho ho ho')

A very late hunting trip.  AW had to bring Teqla to the garage first, where the clutch was once again adjusted.  It was already good weather when he left and I hoped for the same when he got back.  By mid-afternoon, the clouds were again on the move but an area in the north was promising.  I thought I would go for it.  Notice the dark grey shadow on the right?  It eventually took over but not before I was able to make my shots.

The windmill was constructed in 1913, so barely over a century old.  Its function is to drain and maintain the Vliet polder.  Can you spot the baby mill in front of it?  The mill is still functioning but it is also a residence.  Indeed, somebody's cozy home.  Would that happen to be the miller?  I don't know.

After dinner, AW left for Monday evening bridge as a replacement for an absent player in another club AW is not a member of.  It's been a full week of bridge!  Except for yesterday.

Thankful for a car that's roadworthy again and for a quiet evening.

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