And the Rain it Raineth…
….Every Day.
I went into town and arrived like a drowned mole. But, the good news is that, of necessity, I found two little button gizmos on the hood of my coat that impressively stopped the hood from blowing off! I have owned this raincoat for some three years now… (This probably says too much about my general lack of curiosity?).
When I returned home my job was to fill in a load of forms to renew a licence. (I had procrastinated until the very last moment possible). Official forms are just so scary aren’t they?
And, when the job is done…
The lightness of heart!
The jumping and twizzling!
And the dancing with the tea towel.
Why didn’t I do it before? (Because it was a stressful faff that’s why).
And still it raineth.
The image has admittedly lost something in the frozen capture. The rainwater was positively hurtling along the gutter in a most artistically entertaining way. On reflection, a woman stopping in the gutter to take a photo in the rain…?
…Is clearly a woman doing her very utmost to avoid bureaucracy.
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