Sunset Park
Spencer and I took a quick run up to Sunset Park to see (guess what!) the sunset! And of course it was beautiful.
We've had a hot, sunny weekend and we've been getting a lot of yard work done and enjoying the sun. After our hike on Friday, our (and by "our" I mean mine!) muscles are still sore on Monday! On Saturday I helped Miss Nancy trim the unruly grape arbor and Spencer washed the deck because it needs a good restaining and then we went to the beach to enjoy the sun and heat and play cards. Yesterday we went to Boom City down at the Tulalip Reservation and got fireworks for the 4th of July and tried our best not to perish in the heat. Today was spent on another round of deck washing, a job interview, more job applications, and an oil change for Old Blue (which took almost 2 hours!!! The 1985 Mercedes threw Jiffy Lube for a loop today).
So thats the summary of everything chez nous. I've been loving finding peoples journals who live in the PacNW~it's a pretty sweet place to live!
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