
By Ellaphant

Wet Tulip

Some sun in the morning but it got quickly overruled.  This was growing in yet another front yard.

The case is closed.  Right?  Right!  But now we have a 'little' sequel -- It appears that the Opposition is being sued by none other than the municipal government of the town where one of the properties being transferred to my name is located.  To be specific, it's about that particular property.  Why?  Because it has emerged that said municipal government owns half of it.  Hilarious!  I am relieved that it doesn't mean someone is contesting the official Decision on my case, which is closed.  But now, the poker table has a new player who has some good cards.  The Viking is going to be involved in new negotiations because the Opposition are not allowed to reneg on what has been agreed on in our Compromise Agreement.  The element of intrigue is this -- that the Opposition hid the existence of this issue while my case was going on.  We all agree here that it was a deliberate deception, a subterfuge with the intention of passing on the issue to me.  Of course we are not going to agree to that, but this is no longer a legal issue for me but a 'money' issue.  I'll need to be compensated, no?  Some more patience needed, and some realistic calculations re market values and assessed values, and there are other properties.  I am still shaking my head at someone's lack of common sense, decency, and shame.  Even the Viking was flabbergasted.  Who does stupid things like this?!  Right.

AW ate dinner ahead because I wasn't so hungry, and then Son came and they had a cozy talk on the couch, and at 20.00 they left to attend the live women's football match between The Netherlands and Norway (we won 1-0) while I had -- you guessed it! -- a quiet evening.  After their return, AW put some snacks in the fryer (which I'd turned on after a quick call from him that they were on the way back) and they had a 'midnight' meal.  Due to a flurry of communication with MNL, though, I did not get to sleep till about 03.00.

Of course, I am not worried.  This is not a legal issue for me, for which I'm thankful.  I am just shaking my head still at how someone can be so unmindful of his own situation.  I will end this post before I dig up more mud.  It is not worth either my time or yours.

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