Volume I: Look Again

By alannahseyes

Seeds of Distraction

As a Thursday’s Child taking the Scenic Route, time management has never been one of my navigational skills.
I saw this great tee-shirt in a shop window once. It was red, with white lettering, proclaiming “I never finish anythi…..”. Perfect. By the time I decided to buy it the shop had closed down.
Ideas are a bit like Palm seeds. My garden is full of them. They’ve been dropping for months and now they’re starting to sprout. Little palm seedlings popping up all over the place.  How could more trees be a bad thing? The problem with the seedlings is that they use lots of nutrients, exhausting the soil. The established trees become sad and bedraggled.  The small courtyard garden can only support a few trees. The seedlings must go.
I’m working on a few different things. Some, like my webpage, were started last year. I haven’t finished anything yet, but I keep starting new things. Ideas are just so irresistible. How could I not let them sprout? Today, I was going to work on my webpage, do some household tasks, take a simple blip shot of a sleep mask and have an hours morning sun in the garden (breakfast & some seed removal). Sounds like a plan.
Then I started to think about seeds and ideas……
The web page remained undisturbed and dinner was served very late tonight.
Music For A Found Harmonium

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