A New Day

By ANewDay

The Gas Men Cometh!

It appears it is the turn of our road to have the mains gas pipes and the connections to each house changed over from metal pipes to the new plastic version. The contractors were supposed to advise the residents about this major disruption in March this year, but somebody forgot, so the first we all knew of it was when the vehicles turned up!

We were very concerned that this might result in damage to our new front wall or paths, but they have assured us that it will "only" involve digging a hole in the newly-laid membrane under the gravel in order to feed the new pipe through the old one. It's supposed to be our turn on Thursday, so we won't be going anywhere that day, as we keep a watchful eye on the proceedings!

Miserable, rainy day today, so no pretty garden blips - just the road blocks!!

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