Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Treat time

I had a social day today. C has headed up to Banchory to get on with some of the business of sorting out their mum's estate so I was free to get on with things.
I met my friend S for coffee this morning first for a free coffee and cake for 2 at John Lewis. We had scones. We hadn't met up since before Christmas as I had to cancel our previous coffee date as it was the day C's mum died.
There was much reminiscing and talking of children. We were at secondary school together and met up again at ante-natal classes so we've known each other almost 60 years.
From there I went home and had a quick lunch before heading out to the production centre known as Pentland Aromatics. My main aim was to pick up some highly recommended bubble bath. Once again though we put the world to rights, I saw 'that' printer - I didn't see any coffee stains in it though!
I'd taken some banana bread out with me which we had to eat very quickly, Nadine's boys were very interested, but it has raisins in it so was very bad for dogs. I'm not sure they believed us when we told them that though.
This evening we had a vestry meeting, one or two interesting topics for discussion including the eco congregation movement.
I'm sitting here now though and wishing I could summon up the energy to run a bath, but I fear that testing my new bubble bath is going to have to wait until tomorrow.

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