
By Grammy

More Spring Blossoms

The day before a trip is hard on these old bones. Mancil and Parker woke me before 7:00 am. Mancil had told me he was going to stop by; I just forgot. For Christmas, I gave all the grands who drive a “refillable gas can” ornament. There’s a hole on top where you roll up currency. The other grands have forgotten my offer but that boy has stopped by faithfully. He was going to an estate sale and needed a bit of cash. I stayed up and got ready for shopping. But first, I went out to find a blip. We still have quite a few bushes in bloom. My lilacs and dogwoods have just started. The viburnum and herb are almost fully bloomed. Since my sister is in such a mess cleaning the rental home that was trashed, I offered to do her shopping as well. She was very appreciative. Hubby helped me in two of the four grocery stores I shopped at. We found everything on my lists and headed home. Just as we sat down for lunch, Kristen called asking us to pick up Mack who got sick at school. Kim had asked us last night to pick up Brooklyn from the bus stop. Hubby went to get Mack as soon as he ate and I met Brook at 2:15 pm. That gave me time to bake the chocolate chip muffins and start the first of three loads of laundry. Hubby cut the lawn while I was gone. I made a couple new recipes this afternoon: (see extra) fresh apple cream cheese coffee cake with brown sugar, pecan and cinnamon topping. I put together and baked a new crust less spinach, mushroom, bacon and 3-cheese quiche. My crew will love it. I will also take two mini cranberry orange nut breads I made and froze earlier and a small coconut cake I won at an auction and froze. Hubby helped me clean the disastrous kitchen. I used enough prep items to fill the dishwasher and still had more to wash. We quit at 7:00 pm and hubby poured me a refreshing glass of pineapple wine. My sister and BIL have had a stressful week; this is my attempt to make next week special for them. I hope your day was stress free. Stay safe. Thanks for dropping by with all your stars and sweet comments. “Spring makes its own statement, so loud and clear that the gardener seems to be only one of the instruments, not the composer.” – Geoffrey B. Charlesworth

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