For the family

By RonaMac

Reward for good behaviour

This was planned to be a busy day, so I had to be super organised. We were up early and had a cooked breakfast by 9.30, before I headed round to collect Olive. Hobbs took one look at me, thought that it was lunchtime and demanded food. R is working in Dublin for a couple of days so isn’t there to feed the boys on demand. I filled up their bowls as it might be a long time until S is home.

Home to tackle a long list of jobs before my taxi arrived. I had an investigation planned at Burton hospital today and had to be there for 12.30 for blood tests prior to the procedure at 2pm. Nothing to eat after 10am, hence the substantial breakfast. I wasn’t sure when or if I would get back today, so the plan was for B to stay at home and look after the dogs and wait for visits from the carpenter, the window cleaner and a parcel delivery. 

Thirty minutes later and £40 poorer I was deposited in the X-ray department in the hospital. Fortunately I had taken a book to read and the sock that I’m knitting, to pass the time as I sat there for 90minutes. I did remind them that I was waiting, but it turned out that I only needed a single blood test which gave instant results and would be done when I moved on to the CT scan department. 

When the action started it was all go. Getting a cannula in my arm was the normal struggle, the second lady who tried had the knack and got it in first go. I had a lung biopsy under CT scan so spent about 60 -90 minutes on the bed being shuffled in and out of the machine whilst they found the anomalies, which were all less than a centimetre in size, then inserting the needle to take samples. It’s a long time to be lying still in that cold environment. All the staff involved were so kind, caring  and helpful. There were periods of just lying there doing nothing, just waiting. It was less of a trauma than I expected and only minimally painful. 

I was then moved to a ward for observation. A coffee and biscuits were most welcome and gave a blip opportunity. After an hour I was taken back for an X-ray to check that all was well, no bleeding or air leaks.

By 6pm I was told that I could go home.  S was organised to drive over to collect me. I was give some dinner as meals were being served at the time. Delicious beef steak pie, sauté potatoes, peas and carrots. I know that I was hungry, but this was better than most meals I’ve eaten out in a long time. Also two tubs of ice cream. 

We got home by 7.30, so I was pleased to have been fed. B and the dogs were so relieved to see me. The plan for B to stay at home worked well as he would have been bored out of his mind just sitting in the waiting room not knowing what was going on.

What a difference from my last time in hospital during covid lockdown when people kept their distance, wore masks so you had difficulty hearing what they said, you couldn’t see expressions, so difficult. I wouldn’t have chosen to have this test, but the excellent care that I have received made it a very positive experience. 

I don’t normally write long ramblings like this, but my journal is more of a diary these days. 

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