Living my dream

By Mima

Not a raindog

It has rained gently on and off all day today. It is the perfect kind of rain for parched soil: enough to soak in gradually. For the first time in my memory, there has been much MORE than forecast. There are no complaints at all from me.

Bean, however, has a different opinion. As we walked home from our walk at lunchtime it began to fall a little more heavily and I stopped to take a photo of raindrops in puddles (two things we haven't seen hereabouts for a few months).

 Bean-dog was not impressed with the delay. As you can tell...

As soon as I had finished she was off like a shot up the road to get home and under cover toot sweet.

Rain means an indoorsy day other than that walk.

I have tackled another recipe from my new French cookbook: Gratin de blettes et Manchego. The cheese should be Comte, but that's not available. It smells fantastic and I am looking forward to supper.

In the sewing department I have finally got started on a big patchwork cushion for the soon-to-be 17 year old daughter of my best friend. She has her own bedroom for the fist time in her life and I hope the cushion will be a welcome addition. 

More rainy days would be handy to give me a chance of completing it in time for the big day. It would be good for the garden too.

Thank you for your thoughts for Bean yesterday. She wasn't ill overnight and is back on full rations, much to her relief. Phew.

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