
By FergInCasentino


The bugle call to wake up and get cracking. And these, of course, are bugle (Ajuga reptans). I leave patches of them and the just flowering ragged robin as I mow.

It’s 27C here (say 35C in full sun) today. At over 1500ft above sea level. A sign of things to come but rather delightful all the same.

The increasing likelihood of AMOC collapse - see yesterday’s post - gives us pause as we continue to keep the house here on the market. Here we have land and woodland resources that apparently would escape the direct cooling/freezing consequences of an AMOC collapse. Of course, the incredibly steep temperature gradient between the frozen north and southern Europe that would appear to result from an AMOC catastrophe would have its own potentially dire consequences. - ferocious storms and an increasingly dry southern Europe.

Survivalist fantasies. But when I think of the two generations coming up behind me …

So while I ponder that I drive to the supermarket and fly back and forth to Scotland. It’s hard enough to convince myself to change let alone taking to the streets.

But the thing about tipping points is that when it’s too late it really is too late.

Unless you live in a retro-fitted fortified tower house in central Italy with your own protected land, timber and water resources.

Cue Tony Soprano.

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