Back "garden" view...
Was at least sunny today, though not yet warm enough to sit out here - that will come!
Made 40 phonecalls for one appointment - though hopefully there'll also be some callbacks - and several old Pieroth customers couldn't see me this time but were happy for me to call for an appointment when I go back in November - so not complete waste of time...
Did do an Aldi shop as I've run out of Hello Fresh meals - so much cheaper than Sainsbury's, I'd rather drive 3 miles than pop round the corner! Other than that, a lazy day - but unfortunately I'm coming down with flu-type bug, presumably acquired in London - sore throat, runny nose, aching limbs and even vomiting. Not nice... I've somewhat "got away with it" recently - can't remember last time I was poorly (covid in about 2021 I'd say), despite being surrounded by ill colleagues - Phil's not been well all year really, hope it's not going to be long-lasting like that...
Backed two horses in the Grand National - Corach Rambler won last year, fell at the first fence; and Limerick Lace's odds fell lots since I backed her so that was promising... until the commentator kept saying "and there's a terrible error there from Limerick Lace" - mostly in the last few horses, eventually trotting in about 10th - so having tried to double my chances, I just doubled my losses instead!
Signed up for Green Chef, healthier version of Hello Fresh - introductory offer keeps price down, but at full whack it's a few £ more...
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