Birds, bulls, horses...
An early start, watching the sunrise over the marshes. Flamingoes silhouetted against the glowing sky.
After that we went to a 'Ferrade': a gathering hosted by one of the large farms where Camargue cattle are raised.
Our photography host -Cecile - works with a couple of local families who manage their cattle and their horses in the traditional way as far as possible. This was a lively social gathering, focused on a competitive demonstration of the way in which young calves are caught for marking. Teams of riders (men and women, mixed ages) take turns. The first task is to separate the chosen calf from the herd. The next step is to chase him towards a marked line, aiming to nudge him to the floor on the line, using a long wooden pole. Once on the ground, the team should then hold the calf still for a few minutes - equating to the time needed for marking its coat with the owner's symbol.
All of this requires teamwork, dexterity and extraordinary riding skills. All the teams managed to select a calf and move it towards the line. Only three teams out of twelve managed to bring the calf down; only one completed the whole process. These calves were fast and strongly motivated to run back to the herd. Camargue cattle are small and agile, compared to beef and dairy cattle for instance. They are beautiful beasts.
This wasn't a show put on for tourists, but part of an annual cycle in which different farms host events. It was a real privilege to be there. I have good photos in the camera - there will be some collages and back blips next week...
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