It's only a game
Feeling very sorry for myself today. Headache, aching limbs, hacking cough, runny nose. And Liverpool renegaded on their "promise" to cheer me up. Dire. 47 though - it will be alright in the end, everything's under "divine" control. I'm weary, but have lots to do before I can relax at the Aviator on May 9th... Invoices... finalising visit to Lincolnshire, sorting how to get Bex's car to drive there... twin daughters' birthday... selling to my non-Lincolnshure customers, doing a bit of gardening, tidying the house (have rather let it go this week, no energy to do it today, which was the plan...). Having slept on and off all day, and not felt like food, I'm now awake (wouldn't say wide awake, more like a haze) and hungry - but don't feel like anything I actually have in... ice cream would do it, if I had any... Boy, I am feeling sorry for myself...!!
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