Old Bean …
He’s much slower but still very entertaining. Lucy clicked together this hamster hide for him , I had to entice him in to start with , I gave him two cooked peas and some plain chicken . We call it his Sunday roast .
Whilst we had some reasonable weather ( not raining ) I did as much as I could in the garden and also cleaned out the pond filter . Earlier this year a heron managed to take two of our big beautiful goldfish and it really really upset me . I’ve upped the netting and purchased some real heavy duty stuff , I’ve also made almost like a teepee effect OVER the new improved net over the pond . I’ll get two new ones later in the year when it warms up . We still have Rebecca and Josephine though and they swim next to each other . Goldfish are peaceful ( but mucky , they poo a lot ) fish . It’s only a small pond hence why we don’t over stock it xxxx
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