
By cowgirl

Hanging on!

Miserable day today and you nearly got Mr July as an emergency blip, but you can have too much of a good thing so I'm rationing you!

I was given this sea holly by one of my MiLs, and it promptly seemed to die on me. Left it in the pot over the winter and it's burst back into life this year. To be fair you can't see as much of it as I intended to show, as whilst I was trying to photograph it ( in the mild gale that has blown up in these parts ) I noticed the little hover fly clinging on for dear life!

Due to the wind, it wasn't the clearest shot, so I've put a little ' sentimental ' wash over it.

Watching one of the best matches of the tournament - old favourites McNamara + McNamee play John MacEnroe + his little brother Patrick, in a light hearted seniors match. Nice to see the less serious side of Wimbledon!

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