They’re Back!
We had a quiet day. The weather was perfect. We spent the morning doing nothing much. My sister got everything ready for our Hawaiian Ham and Pineapple shish kabobs with fresh asparagus and beans for our additional sides. I made the glaze/marinade and cleaned up our mess. Boy it smells good! This will be a new experience for us. Our BIL will slowly grill them; hubby selected the perfect wine accompaniment. Team effort. The men went four-wheeling after lunch. My sister and I went to the low water bridge to look for wildflowers. You can see how the “bridge” is covered with creek water. The wildflowers hadn’t started blooming last time we were here. The hills are covered now though; such a beautiful sight. I found two new ones this year although they aren’t actually wildflowers. The spiky things are field horsehair. I also found a new type of fern but there wasn’t room to include it. My children and one SIL made exceptional time getting to Morgantown this morning to visit their father. I tried to correct yesterday’s blip journal but service was terrible last night. Their father actually lives about two hours from the farm in a small town near Morgantown vs on the eastern side of the state. The kids were able to chat with their father and his medical team. They believe their step mother exaggerated the situation although they found a tumor and there is fluid on his brain so he is in serious condition. My children’s relationship with his wife is not the best. I am very proud of how hard they try to always take the high road with her. It seems I always have “bad news” in my journal. We received word that my first cousin passed early this morning on her 76th birthday. She has suffered with dementia for a few years. I am almost the matriarch of our family on my mother’s side. Yikes! Sending wishes that your recent news was all good. Stay safe. Thanks for visiting and sending kind sentiments.
“Here's the thing about wildflowers they take root wherever they are, grow strong through the wind, rain, pain, sunshine, blue skies and starless nights, they dance, even when it seems there is nothing worth dancing for, they bloom with or without you.” ~ Alisha Christensen
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