Busy Also Today
Temperature +8. Overcast, some shadows. Moderate wind from the northwest.
Nothing new about apartment things, only some mails.
We popped in our allotment garden and let the arborist in from the locked gate. He came to do the spring pruning to our apple tree. He also cut off the plum tree that had broken during the winter. The tree had been dying already for years, although it made plums until last summer. It was showering a little, but we didn't get much wet.
We left the man working and went to have a haircut to both of us. From there to a flower shop bying flowers of condolence to our neighbour for her husband's passing. Went to take flowers to her and stayed there about an hour just talking and remembering her so lovable husband.
Now at home. Soon having an evening tea with a sandwich, fried egg and apple curd pie.
In the picture there is lichen in our garden with apothecia growing on a old dried fruit tree branch.
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