Beloved Tinks...

Oh what a day!Last Friday my tenant moved out of my cottage and took her dog Tinks with her. I found this wee dog a year ago running along a Main road, covered in blood , paws raw, and deeply stressed. Long story short, no one claimed her so I brought her home and my tenant fell in love with her.( she was found in Tennant Road!) so, it all worked well, Henry had his girl living on the property... They would play for hours in the garden. Tinks had found a dotting owner. But then she moved out last Friday, taking Tinks. Henry and I were sad. Last night we got the distressed call to say Tinks has gone missing. The dogs and I jumped in the car to drive around looking for her, but to no avail.
This morning, I was sitting drinking a cup of coffee in my living room, when who should appear.... But Tinks!!!! She jumped onto my lap, heart beating, put her head on my shoulder and we sat there and hugged one another , Henry and Twigs on either side, both delighted to see her. Amazingly she had found her way back home. Here she is in my kitchen , after a large breakfast, looking shy. It was with a heavy heart I made that phone call to her owner.... Who came to collect her.
On a more cheerful note, THANK YOU my lovely blipettes for all your lovely comments, stars and I will get back to you soonest. Got to get this cottage rented... Too much procrastination going on here... Bit like a credit card, fun to begin with but you pay for it at the end!

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