If you want to get ahead...

... get a hat!

Joel's school prom tonight. If you know me/follow me on Twitter you may have noticed how I don't really like school proms.

I won't go off on one now, but I'll just say how proud I am of my kids.

2 years ago Gemma dyed her hair shocking pink, refused to wear a big dress, and looked like a beautiful punk in a sea of disney princesses, and this year Joel has taken the pee out of the enforced dressing up lark and got himself a top hat.

We went to see him and his friends before they headed off for the prom (I really struggle to type "prom"! I'd rather type "leavers' party"!). His friend's parents had organised a limousine. They were really kind and we were very grateful but it doesn't stop me being really uncomfortable with the whole thing.

Anyway. I won't go on. It doesn't seem appropriate.
Mixed feelings...

Joel looks like Grandpa Carter but that expression is definitely Grandpa Wood.

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